
We originated from this Facebook group. Lose the Label is a group of students from across the country devoted to fighting apathy. To do so, we're launching a website to facilitate direct contact between student activists so we can learn from each other, organize together, and finally lose the apathetic label our generation has been branded with.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Two things.

One, a message from group member John Szewczyk:

Anyone who lives in the Vermont Area and is interested there is a service leadership conference in Montpelier the weekend of November 10th-12th. If you are interested I can email you the registration form and information. It costs money to attend but if you are involved in some kind of leadership role at your school you could get them to pay for it, like I did. Actually I won't be able to attend but I sent my entire AmeriCorps team there on the schools budget. I attended this conference last year and it was a great learning experience, there are many different workshops on all aspects of service and you can choose which ones you want to attend and personalize the experience for your own interests, plus I got to network with a bunch of other kids from other schools around here who are interested in the same things we are. If you want info email me at 4achange@norwich.edu, I will also keep you on an email list and inform you of future opportunities I come across.

Two, another baby step for the website: it's now got a functioning chatroom. Like I said in the last post, cool to see stuff developing. Hard to say how far away we are from completion, but progress is progress.

Okay, that's all for now. Stay tuned, there'll be more posts next week. And if you have announcements you'd like to see here, please get in touch with us. Thanks!


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