easy way to impact the election
Cool idea, something anyone can do. You can use Blogger or MySpace blogs to do it, and possibly LiveJournal, too. Easy way to impact races all over the country from home.
Yay technology.
We originated from this Facebook group. Lose the Label is a group of students from across the country devoted to fighting apathy. To do so, we're launching a website to facilitate direct contact between student activists so we can learn from each other, organize together, and finally lose the apathetic label our generation has been branded with.
Cool idea, something anyone can do. You can use Blogger or MySpace blogs to do it, and possibly LiveJournal, too. Easy way to impact races all over the country from home.
Two things.
Anyone who lives in the Vermont Area and is interested there is a service leadership conference in Montpelier the weekend of November 10th-12th. If you are interested I can email you the registration form and information. It costs money to attend but if you are involved in some kind of leadership role at your school you could get them to pay for it, like I did. Actually I won't be able to attend but I sent my entire AmeriCorps team there on the schools budget. I attended this conference last year and it was a great learning experience, there are many different workshops on all aspects of service and you can choose which ones you want to attend and personalize the experience for your own interests, plus I got to network with a bunch of other kids from other schools around here who are interested in the same things we are. If you want info email me at 4achange@norwich.edu, I will also keep you on an email list and inform you of future opportunities I come across.
Jake D has finished the registration/login feature of the site, so you can go over and register now. Nothing to do yet (the other features aren't set up yet), but it's a start. Pretty cool to see the site evolving!
A scenario to illustrate what I want the website to be capable of:
On Monday, President Bush nominates Judge Erwin Jiggledurmer for the Supreme Court. He has a track record of opposing civil liberties, abortion, and GLBT rights. He has hinted that he favors overturning Roe v Wade.
University of Oklahoma student Jenny Wonglejonk doesn’t like the nomination. She is part of the campus ACLU chapter and wants to do everything in her power to stop the nomination from going through. But what can she do as just one student at just one campus? People in Washington DC don’t care about what happens at the University of Oklahoma. What to do then?
On Tuesday, Jenny posts a blog on LosetheLabel.org criticizing the nomination and asks if people are interested in organizing protests at their campuses to resist the nomination. Over 100 people leave comments on the blog pledging to get involved and a movement is born. They create the LosetheLabel group “Students Against Justice Jiggledurmer,” which they use to communicate with each other and and work out event details.
Wednesday night, they hold a meeting in an AIM chatroom. They set the protest date for the following Thursday. They also create committees to manage fundraising (they plan to ask for donations through ActBlue.org, a website Jake Thorn told them about) and media issues (if they’re going to protest at 100 campuses, it makes sense to have a press release and contact some major media outlets beforehand).
They organize protests at their schools (or contact other activists at their schools to organize protests… Amnesty International chapters, Democratic clubs, women’s rights groups, etc). The next Thursday, only ten days after Jenny’s blog, protests go off at 100 campuses (the participants call their Senators, too, and write letters), gaining national media attention (Jenny’s interviewed on Anderson Cooper 360 that night) that provides critical muscle to Democratic Party opposition to Jiggledurmer, whose nomination is defeated.
So where did this group come from???
Hi, sorry to interrupt the minifeed hatefest, but we created a group yesterday for people who care about things other than minifeed. Please join it … if you care about things other than minifeed. We’re just trying to channel this energy into something productive.
Link: http://ucsb.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2207879909
Thanks for reading.
Spamming for social justice!